Who is Siôn Jenkins?

Much has been written and said about Siôn Jenkins — most of it by people who have never met him.

This section presents views of Siôn Jenkins around the time of his trials from people who knew him, very different from the propaganda of those who had a vested interest in keeping him locked away.

I have recently been made aware of this site by a friend who is in contact with you. I’m a firm believer in Siôn’s innocence. I was a senior pupil at William Parker when Siôn was head Master elect, so I had close contact with him. From the minute he was arrested I felt hugely upset for him, as I felt that he had been completely “stitched up” purely because the police needed an arrest.

I even saw Siôn on the day of the murder at around the time it took place. This sighting was reported to the police but I have no idea if it was taken into account. I do wonder if it was simply ignored as it might ruin their case??

Please keep up the good work.

Former Student

I knew Billie Jo, I also knew Siôn Jenkins, as he was my deputy head teacher, I was often at his office for getting thrown out of Latin. I used to hate him, as every kid used to hate every teacher, but given the choice, that would be the teacher I would have preferred to be sent to, he was very approachable and most of all he was fair.

I was the subject of a lot of bullying at school, which he sorted out. I am now successful in my own business.

I have always believed Mr Jenkins is innocent, and I happen to know a large proportion of the police that were investigating Billie Jo’s murder believe the same. I was very curious at the time, and would ask the opinions of officers and listen to the gossip. I remember one police officer saying to me “DCI Payne is either promoted or sacked. There has to be a conviction on this one with the whole country watching…”

Former Student

I have been reading your website with some interest. I was taught by Siôn Jenkins (he was deputy head while I was at William Parker and also taught me A-level English).

In my view he was a great teacher and, even though he was subjected daily to the boisterous behaviour of a school full of teenage boys, I never saw him lose his temper once.

I went on to become a journalist and editor — thanks partly to the excellent schooling that Mr Jenkins and his colleagues provided. I am appalled on an almost daily basis at the way some in our industry — particularly those working for national tabloids — ignore all the basic contempt of court laws and presumptions of innocence and sensationalise cases such as this. I am certain that in the Jenkins case it has seen an innocent man convicted.

None of this will help your campaign particularly — I just wanted to let you know that there are journalists out there who take law and the process of justice seriously. We all have to do things we don’t enjoy or are uncomfortable with, but many of us have the principles and the courage to recognise our responsibilities.

Wishing you and Mr Jenkins all the best with your campaigning

Former student.

My fondest memories of Siôn come from when I first met him as my GCSE English teacher when I was in Year 10 at school. Up until that point I had never been much use when it came to English but suddenly, from the interesting way Siôn delivered it, English became very interesting. In fact I will never forget the day, as we were all preparing for our final English GCSE exams, the day Siôn came into the classroom and stood there and said “…I am telling you all now, no one is going to fail this exam.” I had never heard any teacher say anything as bold as that before, but lo and behold we all passed our English GCSE, (even a couple of lads who to this day owe a great deal to Siôn and his positive attitude towards every individual pupils that had the privilege of working with him).

Away from the classroom Siôn always made time to come and watch the School football teams in action. He would always show great interest as to when our games were, and come along to support us all. We all knew he was genuinely interested as to how we were getting on, and would always find time in passing to catch up on the latest results and generally how everyone was getting on. On a personal note I will never be able to repay to a teacher and friend like Siôn the debt both I and the rest of his students at William Parker owe him for the positions we find ourselves in today. When I graduate next year and begin my teaching career I will hope to show all the positive traits and qualities that Siôn showed to me during my time of knowing him.

He treated me as an individual person and gave me so much confidence to fulfil my dream of becoming a teacher that I will always be grateful to him.

Former student

I knew Siôn and his family well in East London. My wife worked with Billie-Jo and I’ve written to Siôn in prison. Please pass on my best wishes to Siôn . Just today I was talking to a friend about the case and as always, asked them to trust my judgement in believing in Siôn’s innocence. I continue to pray for Siôn and that CFJ will continue to support him, and that truth will overcome. Thank you for all the work you do.


I was with Siôn during his trial, and was with him the day his was convicted of something which, after speaking with him, I believe he did not commit. I could not believe the reaction of the public gallery — the noise was deafening and sick at the same time.

I wish Siôn luck in his next appeal.


I first met Siôn in a House group meeting after he was on bail. On first meeting him I was not told of his background, and to me he was just another member of the group. He was pleasant and entered into the discussions along with everyone else, who were seeking to know more of God’s word. He was never forceful in his arguments nor did he stand out in any way — he was just one of the group.

In later weeks when I was told of what had happened and what he was charged with, I was completely shocked, as I am a good judge of character. I had no problem with Siôn accepting him as he was, a decent, good natured person, who accepted me as a newcomer to the group, helping me to get settled into it.

Friend of Siôn

I met Siôn when he spent a year in Aberystwyth on bail awaiting trial. Before God he prayed that the truth should come out. I have waited for the legal system to allow the evidence to be brought forward. The missing footprints, the plastic up the nose, the appeal judge with links to his school, and his childrens’ evidence … these are some of the things that should have brought out the truth. The legal system has failed to bring out that truth. If this situation continues we must all sadly say that our system of justice is biased.

An observer

Over the last seven years I have done more than scratch the surface with this man. I have discovered his voracious appetite for books, reading widely and deeply in philosophy, art, current affairs and theology. He has an acute mind with a capacity for analysis and insight as well as recall of the material he has digested which is very impressive indeed. Because of the extent and depth of his reading he makes a good conversationalist and an excellent companion.

He has turned his literary skills to good use and helps some of his fellow prisoners to read and write, as well as writing some letters and helping them with other important documents. This together with offering himself as a Samaritan within the prison, and his involvement with the Christian chaplaincy work is an indication of the practical outworking of his faith.

It is this faith which has been the bedrock of his constancy over these last years. His faith came alive when he was in his early twenties and it has not wavered despite the traumas and injustices of recent years.

He has a well refined sense of humour which extends to the ability to laugh at himself, and even wryly to laugh about his current personal circumstances at times. Always courteous, always ready to make the effort, always prepared to take the Christian way. I have been deeply impressed by, and the more I have got to know him the more I am convinved of his integrity and his innocence.

A friend of 7 years standing.

We remember Siôn with great fondness and continue to be outraged at the lack of justice he has received. We can still picture him with his family — the girls he loved so dearly and who loved him in return. He liked nothing better than to spend time with them and always spoke of them with such pride and joy. It is unimaginable to think of him, so cruelly separated from them. He has been denied the rights that others take for granted: the right to watch their development into young women; the right to have a normal family life; the right to celebrate special occasions; the right to support and guide them in their decisions. The list is endless.

Siôn has suffered enough. We wish him well in his continued fight for freedom.

Friends of Siôn