
15 Feb 1997
Billie-Jo Jenkins is murdered
16 Feb 1997
Annie and Lottie Jenkins interviewed by police on video
18 Feb 1997
PC Bruce, who attended the scene of the murder three days previously, makes his first notes about Siôn Jenkins’ comments and behaviour immediately after the murder.
22 Feb 1997
Discovery of blood spattering on Siôn Jenkins’ clothing
24 Feb 1997
Siôn Jenkins arrested and interviewed in presence of solicitor.
25 Feb 1997
Siôn Jenkins released on bail. Police decide to tell Lois Jenkins about blood spattering. Pocket book entry reads “Told them to feed into Mum”.
26 Feb 1997
Police spend two hours convincing Lois Jenkins that her husband had murdered Billie-Jo.
3 Mar 1997

Peter Gaimster, a neighbour, tells police that on 25 Feb (a week previously) Annie had changed her account of events on the day of the murder.

Lois Jenkins tells police that Annie had volunteered more information

4 Mar 1997
Lois Jenkins gives further information to police about Annie’s version of events.
7 Mar 1997
Lois Jenkins makes statement to police alleging violence by Siôn Jenkins.
13 Mar 1997
Siôn Jenkins rearrested and charged with deception
14 Mar 1997
Siôn Jenkins charged with murder
17 Mar 1997
Police consult Dr. Bentovim, a consultant psychiatrist, and Mrs Bentovim, a social worker and family therapist. Advice given orally that Annie’s thoughts had been reconstructed by her father and now need to be deconstructed.
20 Mar 1997

Police officers speak to all four daughters in the presence of Lois Jenkins, with her agreement. The family’s social worker Ian Vinall, is not present. They tell the girls that:

  • there is strong evidence their father has murdered Billie-Jo
  • their father had lied about his qualifications to get his present job
  • their father was violent to their mother and to them.
21 Mar 1997
Bentovim report confirms verbal advice given previously
17 Jul 1997
Lois Jenkins goes to police with more details of a conversation with Annie about events of 15 Feb.
27 Nov 1997
Lois Jenkins returns to police after committal heaing to report further discussions with Annie about events on 15 Feb.
22 Dec 1997
Lois Jenkins has conversation with a police officer about Lottie’s recollections of 15 Feb.